Thursday, June 28, 2012

To busy to remember our children?

People are forgetting their children in their car in alarming rates. I am not sure how this happenes. I am pretty sure that something like this would not have happened to me. This recent guy seemed pretty upset with himself over what he had done. I am almost 99.999% sure he did not intend to put his child in danger. You never really know these days what is going through someones mind. I stand here thinking that this is something totally unacceptable and yet I feel bad for the guy who made the mistake. He was lucky, his little boy did not die. He is going to have to answer for himself to the media, and most of all his family. So have any of you had a child are faux pas or close call like this. please post in the comments below.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Technical difficulties

I have tried to post a blog twice with the iPad blogger ap and both times it disappeared. I am trying to stay on top of writing this thing that I know no one is reading. Someday they will and I hope to have a good amount of posts in so someone can make their mind up about wether or not I am worth reading. I am not going to write a long post again, until I see if it works.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

The Cell Phone Gods Smiled Upon Me Today.

I woke up at 4am today to see my hubby off to work. He would never do that for me but being the loving and devoted wife I am I do it without complaint. I get up and make him breakfast (cereal these days because every time I cook something he eats half of it and says it bothers his stomach. Then he merryily hops to McDonald's on the way to work or grabs a gas station biscuit.). I know this because I also used to drive him to work and this is what he does. I will have to do a post about his health and insane eating habits later. That's pure entertainment right there. After I pour his breakfast I make his lunch and put out his clothes and then either wake him up because it is 4:30 or I wait until 4:30. Then I wait for him to leave and go back to bed (most of the time).
Today is one of tweenys summer workouts so I set the alarm for 6:45 and hubby called me at 5:45 (probably munching on a mcmuffin) to ask me to call his doctor to see what day his appointment is. I had probably just fallen asleep. So I managed to fall back asleep and at 6:45 it was all I could do to get up and go across the room and change the clock to 7:15. Tweeny was already up and she is way more self sufficient than hubby so no worries there. I wanted to leave early so I could get a latte but even at 7:15 I had a hard time getting my butt in gear. I got my latte and my worst mother of the day award from tweeny because we were 10 minutes late. It's amazing we made it at all considering on Tuesday my husband brought all 4 sets of car keys to work with him and I couldn't go anywhere. Yeah, it's been that kind of week.
I think I am almost to my point and I only rambled 99.999% of the time. We arrived at workouts 10 minutes late and I called the doctor to see when the appointment was and it turns out it is not tomorrow, it is the 26th. I went to ask the nurse what time and my phone battery died unexpectedly. I juiced it up long enough to try to text hubby and it would not let me text so I tried to call and while it was ringing it died again. Hubby is hotheaded and spazmatic and if he sees a missed call he is going to try to call back and not get a hold of me and think the worst because that's just what he does. I am here for at least 2 hours so he will probably have left work and started searching the area for us by the time we get home. I tried to turn on my phone again and it still wouldn't let me text so I put it down and wondered why I didn't get the iPad with the wifi on it. Considered driving home to get my charger...when I heard a little beep beep. My phone was still powered up from my last attempt and the text screen was up and ready to go. I successfully sent him a text with the date and told him my phone is dead . It just now completely died as I finish typing this. Thank you cell phone Gods for this tiny miracle.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Magic Mike

Everytime "moves like jagger" plays on the TV it alerts Hubby that the Magic Mike tailor is on. He instantly looks to me to see my reaction. Most of the time I am not even paying attention but now since I am going to be accused of ogling Channing, Matthew nd Matt I may as well be doing it. I've never been to a strip club but if these boys were working I might have to grab some friends and go. I think I am going to have to find a magic mike screen saver too. I am on a mission to go see this movie WITH my hubby. It has a plot and a romantic story line. We saw coyote ugly and he liked that. We never go see a movie of my choice. I either go by myself or wait for DVD. I am on a be contunued.

An address from Mel

My name is Mel. I am a 34 year old mother of 1 12 year old daughter.(tweeny). I have a 40 year old husband (hubby) and we also care for his elderly parents. I will refer to then as MIL, FIL or ILs collectively. These are the main characters in my life. I will most likely have an issue with one or more of them on a regular basis.
I am currently unemployed and am hoping to find something to do before I truly go insane. I like to craft and decorate and organize so some of my ramblings might be about that too. Please subscribe and bare with me as I build this blog. Love me hate me whatever you like. Tell me what you think and allow me to do the same.